According to data from the United States Census Department, about 40,093,000 people move annually. And with spring and summer being the seasonally busy season in real estate, we’re about to see the migration mayhem happening here in Southern California. Everyone has their own personal motivator for moving, but these four reasons rise to the top of the list.
Many people are wanting to get out on their own and away from someone else’s rules. While in previous decades, young people were moving out of their family home when they got married, many more are moving out sooner today. In fact, they are moving to establish their own household 4.2 times more often in 2018 than in 2000. Marriages are still an important reason for many people to choose to move out on their own. About 6,200 people get married every day.
While many men have moved to take advantage of a better job, women are quickly closing the gap. Many of the women who are moving to get closer to work have just earned their first college degree. The overall rate of people who moved because of their jobs peaked, however, between 2007 and 2009. Some people are moving so that they can return to the classroom. They may be seeking their first degree, an advanced degree in their chosen field or a degree so that they can change career paths.
While the number of babies born each year is dropping by about three percent each year, there are still about 3 million new babies born annually. Many of first-time parents decide that they need to move to make room for the new addition to their families. Other people have discovered that their apartment house is too small for them as their children get older. Still, others move because they can afford a larger place because they have found success in their chosen job field.
Many people report that they move because they want a better home. Some have saved their money and they are now ready to move to a newly constructed home while others are looking for the latest design trends. Others report that they are frustrated with the layout of their current home, and they find one that they think will work better for them. As Americans continue to age, they may decide that they want a better home that is all on one floor. Others move because they want more home security or a more energy-efficient home.
These are the top four reasons that people give for moving. If you are thinking of moving this spring and summer during the seasonal real estate rush, then hire your moving truck early and start working with an agent to help you get a jump on the hordes of buyers in the Southern California market. Preparation is key on the real estate market, and that’s what we’re here to help you with.